The Natural History of Maui
Please join us Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 7:00 PM the Rhode Island Sportsman's Association.
Richard Pierce will be presenting a program on the natural history of Maui based on his recent visit there and Lindsey Watt will be speaking on keeping the 'Opae 'ula, a tiny red shrimp found only in the Hawaiian islands and becoming increasingly popular as an aquarium subject.
'Opae 'ula shrimp are the shrimp used in the "Eco-spheres", sealed glass globes that are supposed to be a completely self-contained ecosystem. Lindsey carries a line of nano-aquaria called Luau Lagoons which allow the permanent maintenance of these unique shrimp, which can live for 20 years if properly maintained. If you want to find out more about 'Opae 'ula shrimp before the meeting, visit Lindsey's web site:
We will also have a small auction of fish or plants you are submitted for the BAP or HAP. Members may also bring up to 3 lots for a Buck-a-Bag auction. We also plan to have refreshments, a raffle and a short business meeting. All are welcome and membership is not required to participate.
The Rhode Island Sportsmans Association is located at 19 Mohawk Drive, Riverside, Rhode Island.