Sam Polio will be presenting an overview of live foods along with tips and tricks to level up your fish room to accommodate them. The presentation will touch on topics ranging from raising brine shrimp to successfully keeping daphnia to how to “super-charge” your live foods. Your fish are what they eat! If you would like a live food culture, please let me know in advance. I am actively keeping microworms, banana worms, walter worms, white worms, and flour beetles, all of which can be made available. Want to know the difference between them all and which of my fish eat them (or not…)? Come to the talk!
We will also have our usual meeting activities. You may bring any fish or plants you are submitting for the BAP or HAP for auction. You may also bring up to 3 lots for a Buck-a-Bag auction.We plan to have refreshments and a short business meeting as well.
The address of our Wednesday meeting is 19 Mohawk Drive, Riverside, Rhode Island. Mohawk Drive is directly off of Rt 114, the Wampanoag Trail in Riverside. Route 114 is a divided road at the entrance to Mohawk Road. If you are coming from the North you need to go past it to the next turnaround, which is on the left just past the "Welcome to Barrington" Sign. After you turn around, Mohawk Road will be on your right a short distance past the "Anchor Bay Assisted Living" sign. There is a Blue and White sign at the entry of Mohawk Road for the Riverside Sportsmans Association. The building is at the end of the road.